Saturday, October 18, 2008

MS 1 Questions 1

Question : Describe different skills required for a manager and the responsibilities of a professional manager.

-marketing manager
-manufacturing manager
-production manager
-sales manager
-human resource manager
-warehousing manager
-customer service manager
etc etc


*Analyze, on a periodic basis, workload and personnel needs of an organizational unit.

*Recommend changes in the staff level of the work unit.

*Review documentation for new positions and positions that have been revised.

*Obtain approval to modify positions.

*Interview candidates for employment and make hiring decision or recommendations.

*Orient new subordinates concerning policy and procedures, work rules, and performance expectation
levels. Review position responsibilities.

*Plan, delegate, communicate and control work assignments and special projects concerning

*Establish and maintain specific work goals and objectives or quantitative and qualitative work standards
to be achieved by subordinates.

*Train, develop, and motivate subordinates to improve current performance and to prepare for higher‑ level

*Determine significant changes in responsibilities and major duties of subordinates by reviewing their job
responsibilities on a regular basis.

*Evaluate the performance of subordinates. Document and discuss present and past

*performance with each direct report. Keep supervisor informed of results.

*Review salaries of subordinates and recommend changes according to policy and procedures.

*Recommend personnel actions such as promotions, performance awards, demotions, etc., according
to budget guidance and policy.

*Advise superiors and subordinates of developments that impact job duties. Ensure proper

*Maintain discipline, recommend and administer corrective action according to policy and procedures.

*Communicate and administer personnel programs in accordance with design and objectives.

*Maintain proper documentation on all subordinates.

*Direct the business activities of the company for the achievement of short and long term business/policy objectives, increased profit, production activity, or market share.

*Establish the business's objectives, policies and programmes within the context of the overall Corporate plan and, where appropriate, recommend standards and set targets (may include manufacturing, sales, marketing, distribution and administration).

*Prepare, or arrange for the preparation of the business's budgets, reports and forecasts, and ensure they are presented in a timely manner to the MANAGEMENT.

*Appraise the activities of the BUSINESS according to overall strategies and objectives, and monitor and evaluate branch and division performance, the efficiency of staff, procedures and production costs.

*Co‑ordinate subordinate staff to optimise the use of human and material resources to achieve goals. Consult with subordinate staff and review recommendations and reports.

*Oversee the development and implementation of all BUSINESS activities including production, distribution and sales, to protect the funds invested.

*Plan and review the BUSINESS operating costs particularly with regard to production, output, quality and quantity, cost, time available, labour requirements, planned production programmes and control activities, inventory levels, freight and advertising.

*Direct the preparation of marketing plans, key customer strategies and sales forecasts recommended by subordinate managers and ensure adequate support is provided in all branches/areas.

*Control use of production plant facilities by planning maintenance, designating operating hours and supply of parts and tools.

*Direct research into new and improved production methods and products, changes in selling policies, and other areas necessary to ensure the continued growth of the business.

*Select, or approve the selection and training of senior staff. Establish lines of control and delegate responsibilities to staff.

*Provide overall direction and management of the business, including personnel, technological resources and assets. Maintain necessary contact with major suppliers, customers, industry associations and government representatives to achieve the objectives of the business.

*Ensure all the business's activities comply with relevant Acts, legal demands and ethical standards.

The three parts are:
achieving the task
managing the team or group
managing individuals
***Your responsibilities as a manager for achieving the TASK are:
identify aims and vision for the group, purpose, and direction - define the activity (the task)
identify resources, people, processes, systems and tools (inc. financials, communications, IT)
create the plan to achieve the task - deliverables, measures, timescales, strategy and tactics
establish responsibilities, objectives, accountabilities and measures, by agreement and delegation
set standards, quality, time and reporting parameters
control and maintain activities against parameters
monitor and maintain overall performance against plan
report on progress towards the group's aim
review, re-assess, adjust plan, methods and targets as necessary

***Your responsibilities as a manager for theGroup / team are:
establish, agree and communicate standards of performance and behaviour
establish style, culture, approach of the group - soft skill elements
monitor and maintain discipline, ethics, integrity and focus on objectives
anticipate and resolve group conflict, struggles or disagreements
assess and change as necessary the balance and composition of the group
develop team-working, cooperation, morale and team-spirit
develop the collective maturity and capability of the group - progressively increase group freedom and authority
encourage the team towards objectives and aims - motivate the group and provide a collective sense of purpose
identify, develop and agree team- and project-leadership roles within group
enable, facilitate and ensure effective internal and external group communications
identify and meet group training needs
give feedback to the group on overall progress; consult with, and seek feedback and input from the group

***Your responsibilities as a manager for each INDIVIDUAL are:
understand the team members as individuals - personality, skills, strengths, needs, aims and fears
assist and support individuals - plans, problems, challenges, highs and lows
identify and agree appropriate individual responsibilities and objectives
give recognition and praise to individuals - acknowledge effort and good work
where appropriate reward individuals with extra responsibility, advancement and status

1.Provide leadership in the workplace, appropriate to the level
of autonomy accorded to individuals/teams.

1.1 Demonstrate high standards of performance.

1.2 Contribute to the Organisation's reputation.

1.3 Influence individuals and teams.

1.4 Make decisions.

2.Manage personal work priorities and development.

2.1 Manage self.

2.2 Negotiate, plan and organise personal work Priorities.

2.3 Develop and maintain personal competence.
3. Lead and participate in, and facilitate work team/group
appropriate to the level of autonomy in the workplace

3.1 Plan the establishment of work team/group.

3.2 Develop team commitment and co‑operation.

3.3 Participate in, and facilitate work team/group.

3.4 Manage and facilitate team performance.
4. Establish and manage positive relationships with
colleagues and customers.

4.1 Convey and receive information and ideas.

4.2 Develop trust and confidence.

4.3 Build and maintain networks and relationships.

4.4 Negotiate positive outcomes to rectify difficulties.
5.Value and stimulate the diversity of people and the environment.

5.1 Create an environment which recognises; diversity as an asset.

5.2 Promote action which harnesses the diversity in the work team/group.
6. Contribute to the development of a learning environment.­

6.1 Contribute to planning learning arrangements.

6.2 Implement effective learning.

6.3 Assess workplace competence.

6.4 Monitor and review learning processes and effectiveness.

6.5 Record and report achievement of competency.
7.Manage resources to achieve planned outcomes.

7.1 Plan resource use.

7.2 Implement plan for use of resources.

7.3 Monitor human resource performance.

7.4 Monitor financial performance.

7.5 Monitor physical resource performance.

7.6 Review resource capability and utilisation.

7.7 Record and report resource usage.
8. Manage quality customer service.

8.1 Prepare implementation schedule.

8.2 Deliver products and services.

8.3 Establish monitoring systems and processes.

8.4 Monitor progress and adjust performance.

8.5 Record and report results.
9. Implement and monitor quality and continuous
improvement processes.

9.1 Implement quality improvement system.

9.2 Monitor performance.

9.3 Consolidate quality improvements and identify opportunities
for further improvement.
10. Facilitate and capitalise on change and innovation in a
technological environment.

10.1 Develop creative and flexible approaches and solutions.

10.2 Manage work group/team response to emerging challenges and opportunities.

10.3 Implement and monitor change.
11. Develop and maintain a safe and fair work environment.

11.1 Access and share the relevant information.

11.2 Plan and introduce processes to implement workplace requirements.

11.3 Monitor and adjust performance.

11.4 Investigate non‑conformance.
12. Create and encourage a learning environment.

12.1 Plan learning strategies.

12.2 Plan and review assessment of workplace competence.

12.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of learning.
13. Plan and develop human, physical and financial resource
information for decision making.

13.1 Establish human, physical and financial information requirements.

13.2 Collect, analyse and report human, physical and financial information.

13.3 Manage information systems.

13.4 Prepare resource proposals.

13.5 Monitor and review the management of information.
14. ‑Develop plans to meet customer and organization needs.

14.1 Contribute to a shared vision and values.

14.2 Contribute to strategic planning.

14.3 Research customer needs.

14.4 Identify opportunities for product and service enhancement.

14.5 Prepare business plans/budgets.

14.6 Communicate the outcomes of the planning process.
15. Participate in planning and reviewing quality and
continuous improvement processes.

15.1 Contribute to continuous improvement planning.

15.2 Review results.
16. Influence the development and direction of the organization.

16.1 Develop the organisation's mission and values.

16.2 Establish goals, objectives and strategies.

16.3 Achieve stakeholder ownership.

16.4 Develop individual managers and management teams.
17. Influence and monitor the organization's competitiveness.

17.1 Create systems to monitor internal and external environments.

17.2 Identify and forecast trends.

17.3 Identify competitive strengths and weaknesses.

17.4 Improve organizational systems and processes.

18. Manage financial planning and performance.

18.1 Interpret the organisation's financial status.

18.2 Prepare and negotiate budgets.

18.3 Monitor and control financial performance.

18.4 Record and report financial performance.




Securing relevant information and identifying key issues and relationships; relating and comparing data from different sources; identifying cause/effect relationships.

Committing to an action after developing alternative courses of action that are based on logical assumptions and factual information and that take resources, constraints and organisational values into consideration.

Making timely decisions judgements; taking actions when appropriate; committing to position

Technical/Professional Knowledge

Having achieved a satisfactory level of technical and professional skills/knowledge in job‑related areas; keeping abreast of current developments and trends in areas of expertise.

Planning and Organising

Establishing a course of action *or sequence of activities to accomplish a specific goal; planning proper assignments of people and allocating resources; communicating expectations about tasks and deadlines; developing contingency plans focusing energy and time on priority goals, requirements and problem areas.

Individual Leadership

Using appropriate interpersonal styles and methods to inspire and guide individuals towards goal achievement; modifying behaviour to accommodate tasks situations and individuals involved.


Active participation in, and facilitation of, team effectiveness; taking actions that demonstrate consideration of the feelings and needs of others; being aware of the effect of one's behaviour on others.


Taking action that indicates a consideration for the feelings and needs of others; being aware of the impact of one's behaviour on others.
Meeting Leadership (Facilitation)

Using appropriate interpersonal styles and methods to motivate and guide a meeting toward its objectives; modifying behaviour according to tasks and individual present.
Developing Organisational Talent

Developing a subordinate's skills and competencies by planning effective development activities related to current and future jobs. Considering the individual's motivation, interests, current work situation, and personal circumstances.

Sales Ability/Persuasiveness

Gaining agreement or acceptance of an idea, plan, activity, product or service by using appropriate interpersonal styles, approaches and forms of communication.
Motivation Fit

The extent to which job activities and responsibilities, the organisation's mode of operation and values, and the community in which the individual will live and work are consistent with the type of environment that provides personal satisfaction; the degree which the work itself is personally satisfying.
Work Standards

Setting high goals or standards of performance for self, subordinates, others, and the organisation; being dissatisfied with average performance; self imposing standards of excellence rather than having standards imposed by others.
Customer Service Orientation

Making efforts to listen and understand customers (both internal and external); anticipating customer needs; giving high priority to customer satisfaction.

Active attempts to influence events to achieve goals; self‑starting rather than passive acceptance. Taking action to achieve goals beyond what is necessarily called for; originating action.

Effectively exploring alternatives and positions to reach outcomes that gain all parties'support and acceptance; compromising when appropriate.
Maximising Performance

Establishing performance goals, coaching performance, providing training, and evaluation performance.

Establishing procedures to monitor the results of delegations, assignments or projects taking into consideration the skills, knowledge and experience of the assigned individual and the characteristics of the assignment.

Allocating decision‑making authority and task responsibilities to appropriate subordinates; utilising subordinates' time, skills and potential effectively.

Rapport Building

Creating continuing compatibility; getting along well; pro‑actively developing relationships.

Tolerance for Stress

Maintaining stable performance under pressure and/or opposition (eg time pressure, job ambiguity); relieving stress in a way that is acceptable to the person, others and organisation.

Generating and/or recognising imaginative, creative solutions in work related situations.


Maintain effectiveness in varying environments and with different tasks, responsibilities and people.

Oral Presentation

Effective expression when presenting ideas or concepts to an individual or to group, when given time for preparation (includes gestures and non‑verbal communication).

Handling disappointment and/or rejection while maintaining effectiveness.


Creating a good impression, commanding attention and respect, showing an air of confidence.


Maintaining a high activity level and effective performance for an extended period of time.

Maintaining social, ethical, and organisational norms in conducting internal and external business activities.

Oral Communications

Expressing ideas effectively in individual and group situations (includes non­
verbal communication); adjusting language or terminology to characteristics or
needs of the audience.
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Written Communication

Expressing ideas clearly in memoranda, reports, letters or other documents with appropriate organisation and structure, correct grammar and language or terminology that is adjusted to the characteristics or needs of the audience.


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